Daniel Wozniak
I began writing this blog in 2012 but it was not until January of 2015 that I decided to take a much more serious approach to it. From 2012 until the beginning of 2015 I had made a total of 88 postings. I decided I was going to make it my goal to spend at least one day a week, preferably Sunday, to devote to research and postings. I did fairly well considering I made 85 entries in 2015. For the most part I obviously met my goal of at least one post a week on average. Some weeks I spent more than one day, while admittedly there were others that I did not spend any days here working on things. That has been the case the last few weeks, however, just because I have not posted does not mean I have not looked or found more cases for my ever growing list. I am a self proclaimed Investigative Discovery (ID) addict. Sadly however I no longer subscribe to that channel (it was the only channel I wanted in the next much higher priced package) and soon I wi...