The Sweat Lodge Murders
This case is quite different than most that I do here. This is a case where I do not believe malice was intended but arrogance and greed is likely what caused the crime that was committed. This was not a perpetrator that was angry at another person and set out for revenge. This was a perpetrator who seemingly got too big for his britches so to say and likely developed a scheme that cost him the least amount to produce with the greatest amount in return financially. It is unclear just where, how or when exactly James Ray became known as a motivational or self help “guru” but it appears that he began to become famous or infamous in the field around 2000. It seems that much of his “teachings” were spiritual based and it appears that throughout the 2000's there was several incidents in which criticism of his methods were raised. Those incidents ranged from complaints of lack of training to safety issues to lack of trained professionals on sight. But, it appears that t...