Tyler Hadley
you are a regular reader of my blog then you know I have particular
feelings when it comes to the truly mentally ill as well as the way
they are dealt with in society long before there is ever a crime
committed. In the same respect I am definitely not a fan of those
who imply someone is mentally ill to get them out of a crime. But,
how do we determine mentally ill and what can be defined as such is
more of a touchy line that is often jumped over. What I mean by this
is someone with bi-polar disorder is generally classified as mentally
ill, but what about someone who has psychopath or sociopathic
behaviors? Do they also classify as mentally ill? Both of the latter
diagnosis' are basically the same with the psychopath being of more
severe quality. And, like many mental illnesses it is technically
not wise to diagnose anyone under the age of eighteen with any one of
these diseases despite the fact that the signs are there. Much of
that has to do with not wanting to diagnose a young child and by the
time they are in their teens it is difficult to tell if they are
moody because of a disorder or just simply because they are
teenagers. That does not mean that there are not young children, or
people under eighteen that suffer from mental illness or any of the
other aforementioned behaviors, but there is even less “professional
help” available. That all being said I cannot say in which
category the case of Tyler Hadley falls into. There were allegations
made that he suffered from mental illness but to be fair I am unsure
that anyone truly believed that before he committed a horrendous
crime. That is not to say that there were not those that thought he
had some issues but I just cannot say to what extent they thought
those issues were.
July 16, 2011 seventeen year old Tyler Hadley threw a house party at
his home in Port St. Lucie Florida. He had been telling his friends
that he planned to have one but never really seemed certain as to the
timing or even if he could. Many of those who knew Tyler did not
even believe the party would come to fruition because they knew that
as of late Tyler's parents, Blake and Mary Jo, had been particularly
strict on Tyler. Around 8:00 that night Tyler posted on his Facebook
that he was indeed having the party. One person asked him how this
was going to be possible and what about his parents. He assured them
his parents would not return and bust the party. Over the course of
the evening nearly sixty teenagers “invaded” the Hadley home,
many never even knowing Tyler.
St. Lucie was established in the 1960's almost exclusively as a
retirement town. There was little for children, let alone teenagers
to do. The town was full of retirement homes, Bingo halls and golf
courses. Over the course of time many families had moved into the
area, including the Hadley's but the town did not necessarily adapt
to the changing of their residents. As a result there were a lot of
bored teens in Port St. Lucie and petty crime rates, such as
burglaries and vandalism rose. Another issue began in the 1990's
when homes were being sold at a very low rate and with much of the
“town” undeveloped drug dealers, many from nearby Miami, were
swiping up the homes and using them for what authorities called “pot
farm houses.” In 2006 sixty-nine of these such homes were busted
but it seemed to do little to curb the growing issues of teenagers
using marijuana in the area.
say that Tyler seemed to be a normal, quiet, obedient child until he
reached his teenage years and got into drugs and alcohol. Although
there were a few reports it seems of a bit abnormal behavior and
explosive anger from him from as early as ten years old. By the time
he became a teenager and complained about his parents to others ,
complaints that often included threats, few seemed to take him
seriously. I mean, what teenager does not complain about their
parents especially when they are being disciplined? Some would later
say they thought Tyler's reaction was a bit overboard like when he
told people he was going to kill his mother because she had taken his
cell phone. Although it seems despite early warnings from other
parents to Blake and Mary Jo about possible drug use were not taken
super seriously, it does seem that eventually they discovered there
was a problems. Within the several months leading up to July of 2011
they had sought psychiatric treatment as well as outpatient substance
abuse treatment for their son. And yet, it appears that the Hadley's
as well as others seemed to believe for the most part that things
were better with Tyler. And then came July 16th.
the kids began going to the Hadley home things progressively got
worse. In the beginning it was said Tyler did not want anyone
smoking inside the home. He later changed that as the home was being
ruined.... things were spilled here and there, carpets were getting
burn holes, holes were being made in walls. As time went on Tyler
seemed more concerned with keeping the noise at a minimum to avoid
neighbors from calling the police. At some point throughout the
night Tyler told his friend, Michael Mandell he wanted to talk to him
and he two went outside and walked a bit down the street. It was
here that Tyler told Michael that he had killed his parents earlier
in the evening before throwing the party. Michael would tell
authorities and newspapers later that he did not believe his friend
even after Tyler pointed out that he should look at the driveway
where Michael would see both Blake and Mary Jo's vehicles. They
returned to the home and Tyler took Michael to the master bedroom
where Michael peeked in and saw the carnage. For his part Michael
did not immediately leave the party and inform someone but stay for
about another hour, even taking a few pictures with Tyler. It is
said that the word got out by “word of mouth” from those at the
party and by the following morning Tyler was under arrest and the
bodies of his parents were recovered.
would eventually plead guilty, although there seemingly was not any
sort of “deal” made as we often see. In this case, because Tyler
was a minor at the time of the crime he was not eligible for the
death penalty so basically there was only a sentencing hearing in
which the judge heard details about the crime and from family members
and witnesses. According to statements from Tyler he took three
pills of ecstasy around 5 pm on the day of the murders but not before
he hid his parents' cell phones to prevent them from being able to
call for help. He then attacked his mother with a claw hammer while
she sat at her computer desk. Blake could hear Mary Jo screaming and
went running into the room. It was then that Tyler went after his
father with the claw hammer. When it was all over Tyler moved their
bodies into the master bedroom and spent the next three hours
cleaning the house. He threw towels and other items that he had used
to clean up in the bedroom with the bodies of his parents. At his
sentencing Tyler's older brother, Ryan, stated that despite the fact
that he and his brother were extremely close growing up despite their
six year age difference he felt Tyler deserved the maximum sentence
allowed. Defense attorneys pointed to supposed “mental illness”
suffered by Tyler but it is unclear if they had much to back this
2014 Tyler Hadley was sentenced to two life sentences without the
possibility of parole. In April of 2016 the sentence was overturned,
as so many pertaining to minors have been in recent years but as of
now Tyler has not been re-sentenced. An article published in May of
2017 stated that there have been several delays in this process and
from my understanding they are coming from the defense asking for
more time. They are now looking at experts to testify about alleged
mental illness as well as the issue of long prison terms given to
Hadley home was demolished in April of 2015. Currently Tyler remains
in prison and while he has vocalized remorse while in court has had
at least a few discipline issues in prison including having
possession of a homemade weapon.
could argue that Tyler Hadley does have mental issues; some could
argue he is a sociopath who had no true remorse and guilt for his
actions; and some could argue that he was a child of privileged whose
parents did not take the upper hand until it was too late.
Regardless of the reasons two people lost their lives to their flesh
and blood who not only attacked them in cold blood in their own home,
but threw a party to celebrate.
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